Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Kids today in public

I'm out of town for work again and I've been spending all my meal time in restaurants.  I'm not a kid hater or anything, but maybe I'm a parent hater.  Parents just seem to not have control of their kids anymore.  When I was a kid, if I was loud and obnoxious in public my mother would have let me have it.  I can remember a rather explosive episode in a PX where I was convinced that my mother should have to buy me the pair of shoes I wanted because (stomping my four year old feet up and down) "YOU'RE MY MOTHER! YOU HAVE TO BUY ME THESE SHOES!"  My mother was always good at not showing her temper in public, but I think she wasn't pleased by my tirade and spanked me on my rump.  She still talks about the full bird Colonel who was standing nearby who said, "Hit her again Mom!"  Aww, the good old days. 

Now kids are in control.  They rule the roost.  They drive their parents crazy who in turn drive us crazy.  The other night at dinner a toddler who in his defense was probably really tired from being carted around all day and finally being fed around 8PM, was having a fit.  He was loudly screaming and howling.  Ok.  I can take a little fit or a medium fit, but a constant 20 minutes of screaming can start to get on your nerves.  As an adult I couldn't stand and scream for 20 minutes in the restaurant, but I get it.  He's was a kid... I'm an adult.  I almost lost it though when the Mother started to get louder and louder saying "I MEAN IT.  SHUT UP.  NOT ANOTHER WORD.  SERIOUSLY.  I MEAN IT." Like I said.  I think I'm a parent hater.

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