Sunday, July 27, 2014

Tennis shoes suck these days

I'm one of those people who buy one pair of sneakers a year.  You know, to wear with shorts.  At the end of the season they get thrown on the pile of "wear these to mow the grass."   That pile is starting to look more appealing to me of late.  Maybe I'm just too old.  You know the saying, "If it's too loud, you're too old"?   I guess the same thing applies to not liking the shoes these days.  If they're too neon...   I can't understand the latest trend of shoes that don't match anything you'd actually wear.  I was asked of my new trendy sneeks, "Do they glow in the dark?"   Glow in the dark?   Hell, they glow in the light.   Neon is only one of my problems.  What happened to arch support?   When I was trying on my new neon pink shoes I saw an entire display of these sleeve looking things.   I asked, "What are those?" to the young clerk who explained, "Oh, those are in case you need more support", eyeing me with a knowing glance that implied she knew I needed them.  "Support?  You mean for $100 support isn't included?"  I gasped.   "These aren't even made of solid material" I complained.  "If it rains or the wind blows, these babies are going to feel more like flip flops than tennis shoes."  The clerk just shrugged.   This was actually my fourth store in a day of trying to just find a simple pair of tennis shoes.  They don't seem to exist anymore.  If you find a pair somewhere please let me know.  

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